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ilustrations for scottish parliament

The Scottish Parliament

Leaflets and Guides

The Scottish Parliament caters for a wide range of visitors to its building and produces an extensive range of publications in many languages. A primary objective of its Public Information Team is to provide information on the role and working of the Parliament to the different audiences.

Output : print

We were tasked with undertaking a brand review and developing a new visual style to refresh the Scottish Parliament’s Public Information brand across its online and offline materials.

A specific illustration style was developed in preference to photographic images for front covers of key publications. Combined with bold colour coding and strong typography the titles of the publications help convey a stronger message of engagement by emphasising the word “Your” within the title.

The creation of an effective design framework ensures all materials from Public Information belong to the same family, provides greater clarity and consistency of expression of the brand as well as creating greater shelf appeal for audiences


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Feel free to contact us about any project you have in mind or simply arrange a time to come in for a coffee and a chat about how we can help you.

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